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Ruby - Plain Mosaic Butti Chiffon

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Deliveries take 3 to 5 working days.

What is the postage charge on orders?

- Delivery FREE for all orders of RM300 or above.
- RM8 will be charged for orders amounting less than RM300 (West Malaysia).
- RM10 will be charged for orders amounting less than RM300 (East Malaysia).


Oversea (Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam)
- RM50 flat price will be charged for all orders.

Can I know the status of my orders?
When goods are dispatched, we will inform you of your tracking number via email. If you have a confirmation tracking number, follow the link below for the parcel shipment status.


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Ruby - Plain Mosaic Butti Chiffon

RM 65.40 RM 109.00

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Free shipping for order RM300+ for Semenanjung Malaysia


1054 - Unknown column 'options_second_tier_id' in 'where clause'

select count(*) as total from products_attributes where products_id='1621' and options_second_tier_id != '0'